Logan’s 1st Birthday!

January started off with a bang . . . or I should say a smash!  A Smash Cake Session that is! This adorable little Cubbies Fan joined me to celebrate his 1st Birthday with some playtime, balloons, and (of course) a birthday cake!

I met Logan’s mom in the most unlikely places . . . a garage!  Our cars were both in for an oil change and we started chatting!  She was there with her adorable little girl, Hailey –  Logan’s big sister, and that was enough to spark a conversation.  Turns out we are practically neighbors!  (Of course in our neck of the woods, neighbors can still live a few miles apart!)  🙂  So when her little girl turned one last year we got together for her 1st birthday Smash Cake Session . . . and of course we did it again for Logan’s!

It’s amazing the difference between 2 children from the same parents!  Sweet Hailey had left most of her smiles at home, but still did great up to the time the cake came out . . . . then the tears started.  Nothing seemed to help after that.  Her brother on the other hand was full of smiles and laughter, enjoyed his cake and was even fine with a bubble bath afterwards – as long as it was on his terms!  🙂  He just wanted to make sure the water was good before he was willing to jump in.  So we let him play outside the tub till he was comfortable.  Worked like a charm . . . and perfection happened!

We even managed to get a few smiles out of Hailey this time around too . . . she did make me work for them again!  🙂  Totally worth it though!!  Just look at that beautiful face!


Smash Cake Sessions are different for every child!  It’s important to remember that as you plan your son or daughter’s 1st birthday party AND Smash Cake Session.  Nobody can predict what a child will do . . . not even you!  The best way to help your child prepare for their first birthday is to let them try cake & icing well in advance!  If they are not used to eating something sweet, they will not react well.  If they are not used to getting messy, they will not react well.  Put them in the bath tub with a cupcake, and let them go to town!  Even if you do all that . . . there is still no guarantee that you will get the reaction you are hoping for.  The best thing I can tell you . . . is be prepared for anything to happen at your Smash Cake Session!  I’ve had kids cry when they tasted the cake and love the bubble bath.  I’ve had kids love the cake and cry for the bubble bath.  I’ve had kids cry the whole time.  I’ve had kids SMASH and stick their feet in the cake, but I’ve also had kids that just use one tiny finger to eat the icing with . . . never getting to the actual cake.  It’s different every time . . . but always fun!  Just relax, and let your kiddo have their own kind of fun!

If you are ready to plan your Smash Cake Session, please feel free to Contact me so we can start planning!

Love and blessings,

Mindy 🙂

2 responses to “Logan’s 1st Birthday!”

  1. They are too cute! Nicely done!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Awe thanks! It really was a fun session! 😀


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